Accomplish More in Less Time

New research shows quick bouts of exercise make us smarter in the short term as well generally long term. Try to work out before you need to do your best thinking. Or go for a brisk walk during your breaks. Especially in this extra busy month for many, it’s important to take more frequent “time-outs.” … More Accomplish More in Less Time

Intuitive Perseverance

Perhaps you’re at personal and/or professional crossroads and holidays coming!! Busier than ever and not sure which way to go…it may be counter-intuitive to taking action and embracing change, however meditating, pausing briefly while deep breathing throughout the day and at bedtime will encourage true feelings and thoughts to break barriers. Also, being in nature, … More Intuitive Perseverance

Podcast Preview!

Hi! I was a guest on Bruce Chamoff’s podcast today and will let you know the link as soon as I have that. It’s the first I’ve been on in over a year, due to my medical conditions. Yes, it was great and I welcome additional opportunities to do this! I hope each of you … More Podcast Preview!

Redefining Your Purpose

Perhaps circumstances (some beyond your control) have interfered with your work and/or family life and it’s time for a personal/professional regroup. Acknowledging your strengths, passions, beliefs and values can help in redefining-refining your purpose(s). Paying attention to “signs” throughout your day, dreams and asking for clarification in daily meditation is extremely helpful. Considering what “calls” … More Redefining Your Purpose

Negative Reality?

It can be difficult to stay positive with all the negative reality globally, locally and perhaps at home. Feeling my own this morning, I acknowledged how I am able to shift to positive (and write this blog:)) in a short amount of time with my morning routine of meditation tapping, havening and mindfulness based meditation … More Negative Reality?